Is Patriotism a Natural Feeling?
Why should i love just the soil if there is no Love between fellow Homo Sapient. A question that was provoked when i met a group of Army men. They said they fight, kill the enemy(who has the same mind, soul, even the same blood flowing in veins) and sometime die to protect the borders and citizen of this country! Is that an act of pride and honour? If we are a five sense animal, it is absolutely agreeable. After living with the gifted sixth sense for thousands of years why is this insecurity and fear still exist? Why is killing on battle ground appreciated and honoured?
A new born baby is so pure and Blissful. As it grows it takes up some position in society. It becomes an adult working on Cutting edge technology(Ctr+X/C/V), a scientist, a doctor, a rebel like me, terrorist, and many... As the baby grows it thrives to gain something called a respectful position in the society by sacrificing its Bliss. The environment moulds the baby with its two great tools. Fear and Guilt! In some religion it is even said, we are born as human beings because of the mistakes that we did somewhere?? But my religion is so diversified and if can speak something fuzzy i will be accepted as a Guru! One of the scriptures says "Humans are Brahmans!" the representation of God(s). Similar to what "Conversations with God" series tells us. What about Lions, Tigers, Deers & other animals? Are they the angels? There are no answers to these thoughts! But the point is if i am Brahman why should i have fear and guilt of doing anything! All i know is i have lost my natural feeling and Bliss that i had during infancy and stand before the world as a human follows some duties religiously to earn daily bread, suppress my natural feelings again because of fear and guilt, just fool around abandoning my soul and do what pleases the society! What is best then? If am here for some 70 plus years(optimistically!) should i have to live a life that is like prison. Do some work so as to keep myself busy and just pass the days? Again this has no one word answer!
Swami Vivekananda once said give me 100 young men. I will change the fate of this COUNTRY. Even he was narrow minded to think only about country. Give me 100 expert Psychologists! There has to be a way to induce the feeling of true and fool proof love upon other creatures in this world which will bring what is called Bliss on earth. I don't hate to visit a Pakistani restaurant in US and the waiter will not give me a week back rotten egg! People do not hunt other creatures just for fun! They use advance tissue growing technology that still produces meat without committing animals. People start loving other people and animals, no VISA requires to visit other country, eventually it is just the world as one, understand there is nothing equivalent to restoring and sustaining freedom and just moving towards the feeling of love on everything. A true patriot is the one who tries to establish this Bliss! I call ALL those who have love for other beings on this planet as Patriots!